and Control LTD
Call Today 416-667-0918
Linear Sensors

PIz Series DC/DC

SeriaPiz_bigThe PIz series, are DC/DC LVDT-s designed for displacement, length and thickness measurements in industrial, and R&D multi-channel data acquisition, or for use as feedback sensors in machining and process applications. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The LVDT is a cylindrical electromechanical device consisting of one primary winding, two secondary windings and a moveable core . When the primary is powered and the core moved, the output from the secondaries is proportional to and in phase with the core movement. The construction gives a possibility to insert the core connecting rod from the any side of the transducer.

  • Unguided core
  • High stability and accuracy
  • High repeatability
  • Very high reliability
  • Suitable for harsh environment applications


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